Sunday, 26 January 2014

# 11 Carbon tax and oil export summary

Most people believe that greenhouse gases cause climate change. Those who doubt the science could take a “better safe than sorry” approach. A global carbon tax is the answer to curb greenhouse gas emissions. So far 20% of emissions are subject to carbon pricing but that is not enough. The global emissions still increase by 2.6 % per year. China’s emissions rise by almost 10 % per year. Only when everybody pays the same tax for carbon will it be possible to apply it to exports without unfair competition. It would also eliminate anticipated duty arrangements between countries.

To stop additional future oil flows we have to demand a universal carbon tax. Until a proper international agreement  has been reached, demand for oil will keep rising. It will make no difference in the global greenhouse gas emission whether Canada supplies that extra oil or we let other countries do it. When eventually our exports dwindle we won’t lose because by collecting the tax we will get more money for our oil, coal and natural gas.

Two oil companies, Shell and Statoil, are among 100 multinationals who are frustrated with the lack of political action in the UN climate talks. They want a firm carbon tax agreement so they can plan for the future. They signed an important carbon price communiqué. The CEO of ExxonMobil is in favour of a carbon tax. He stated that It would “achieve a uniform and predictable cost for carbon across the economy”. Study after study has shown that carbon pricing does not harm the economy and that a revenue neutral carbon tax, like we have in British Columbia is easy to implement and administer. It has reduced the use of petroleum products by 17% without loss of GDP. Opposition to carbon pricing is caused by insufficient reporting on how the money is paid back to businesses and individuals. People see it as a tax grab rather than a tax shift to make green energy more competitive. The public only sees the figures which each household pays directly and indirectly for carbon pricing. It is $1500 per year for one of the US bills and $ 779 per year for British Columbian  households.  After all the money is paid back through income tax reductions, special grants and other recycled benefits the amounts are $150 per year for the US and $ 0 per year for the average BC household. Since this is seldom discussed in the media, the public remains opposed to the carbon tax and neither the US nor the Canadian Government has been able to establish a national carbon tax.

No tax and high per capita emissions puts Canada in an awkward position. Environmentalists rank Canada as #58 and the US as #43 out of 61 countries based on 5 criteria. Denmark, Sweden and Portugal are #1,2 and 3  so it is no wonder the Europeans want to stop our pipeline expansion. In London the Canadian Prime Minister was met by 30 protest organisations from both sides of the Atlantic while 6 MPs tabled a motion to keep Canada’s  Alberta oil out of Europe.

Insufficient pipeline capacity means that we have to sell our oil at bargain prices, leading to at least $20 billion per year lost income in Alberta. This results in substantial lost tax revenue for Canada’s Federal Government. Since we don’t want to ship more oil by rail we have to look seriously at all pipeline proposals. There is a lot of technical information about pipelines and marine transport available on the internet. It is not published in newspapers but is essential information to form an opinion about the Northern Gateway project. Enbridge has a very poor operation and maintenance record but as a result of past disasters some rules have been changed. Enbridge’s proposal exceeds the requirements. If all the proposed design and operation procedures will be implemented and monitored it will likely be the safest pipeline on the continent.  Many aspects of pipelines and carbon tax can be found on  The observations are backed up by 2 documents containing some 135 pages of text and tables pasted from identified websites. Part of the information was used to urge the Federal Government and Enbridge to make far more details available about the carbon tax and pipeline problems. The material is discussed in 3 Emails to the government with copies to Enbridge. It was followed by 2 more E mail exchanges with Enbridge related to specific design aspects and earthquake considerations.   

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